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Movement System 


A structured and substantiated approach for the embodiment of leadership I found fully incorporated in the Laban/Bartenieff Movement System (LBMS).


My search for the most efficacious, convincing and sustained way to learn fundamental and authentic leadership skills, has brought me to this.  In 2012 I got the chance to attend an in-depth advanced training called ‘Embodied Leadership/Empowered Action’ given by Karen Kohn Bradley, who is Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in Dance and Performance Studies at the University of Maryland, USA, and also a Certified Movement Analyst and Executive Director and Director of Research of the Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies in New York. In this training, I first became acquainted with the Laban/Bartenieff Movement System or LBMS.


LBMS is a complete and comprehensive theoretical and practical system of movement analysis and basic body training to complete movement efficiency and expressiveness.


I have since completed the Laban/Bartenieff Certification Program and today I'm also a Certified Movement Analyst.


My graduation project focused on Leadership, Charisma, and Self-Consciousness. 


In this, body-awareness is a key-component. 


The tacit wisdom of the human body navigates our moving in the world around us.

Our thinking and feeling is inseparable linked to the kinetic choices we constantly make consciously and unconsciously.

The body is indispensable in effective leadership training and development.

Embodied self-awareness is a key aspect of a healthy life.


And also in the professional environment, in successful interaction with individuals and groups, and in leadership, embodied self-awareness is a defining condition.


Through the application of LBMS, embodied self-awareness can relatively easily be developed, strengthened, and maintained, as a vital component of powerful and rewarding leadership.  

Leadership is in the body
and known through the body."                                            

Louis R. Melina


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