The heart of these training courses is the essence of human communication:
Building Rapport, the foundation of human interplay (action - reaction - interaction)
How to establish professional, meaningful relationships based on trust, understanding, compatibility and synergy?
Leadership Essentials – Natural Authority & Influencing
Engagement Through A Culture of Ownership & Wellbeing
Stretch Collaboration – How to work with people you don't agree with or like or trust?
Resilience@Work – Calm Confidence as a Professional Practice
Leading in Discord – Managing Conflict & Upgrading Teamwork
Charisma & Rapport for Leaders – How to Build Trust and Compatibility
The Heart of Leadership – Avoiding the Power Paradox
Effective Communication – Ways of Relating
Feedback That Works – What feedback really is and how to use it
Influencing Skills – Reading People & Building Rapport
Conflict Management & Mediation
Handling Violence & Aggression
Negotiation Skills
Crisis Negotiation
The training courses can be organised online, onsite or residential.
The programs are always tailor-made in co-creation.
These essential human interaction skills are the core of my training courses in various high-performance environments:
boardrooms, factory floors, team building, project management, leadership development, presence training, customer relationships,
conflict mediation, crisis communication, dealing with aggression, crisis and hostage negotiations, psychiatric institutions, security, diplomacy, educational and penal institutions, ... at home, at work, or in the streets.

Wim Vanaken CMA
His extensive international experience (over 22 years) in a wide variety of high performance environments in companies, governments and organisations, such as the police, psychiatric institutions, refuguee shelters, public and private institutions, together with a keen understanding of human nature and interaction, form a singular bedrock for quality craftsmanship.
Science and expertise underpinning his work:
Certified Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analyst, specialized in Embodied Leadership and Natural Authority
Leadership Skills Trainer – Primal Leadership & Leading in Complexity
Certified Psychophysical Social Competence & Resilience Trainer
Leading & Communicating in Crisis Certification – Crisis Negotiation & Influencing Skills
Building Rapport in Crisis & Hostage Negotiations
Handling Violence & Agression
Mediating Workplace Conflict Resolution
Values Management Certificate – Mastering Human Dynamics
Group Interaction & Group Dynamics – Supervision and Intervision for High Performance through Interdependence
Polyvagal Processes & Neural Exercises for Self-Regulation, Grounded Confidence and Mindful Presence
The Social Nervous System – Markers of Engagement
Systemic Counseling & Coaching

The training programs are always:
HANDS-ON (down-to-earth, practical and useful, and immediately applicable )
HEADS-ON (science-based with focus on clarity, effectiveness, and results)
HEARTS-ON (psychological safety, trust, engagement, and personal involvement)

Carlos Castaneda
I want to convince you that you must learn to make every act count, since you are going to be here for only a short while, in fact, too short for witnessing all the marvels of it.